Ultimate Grant Writing Workshops using AI.

An unparalleled leap into the future of grant writing

Step into the future of grant writing with SmartGrants! Tired of endless grant applications draining your time and energy? Our AI Grant Writing Workshop unveils AI secrets that will turn your struggles into triumphs! Learn to craft masterfully compliant, deeply researched, and brilliantly penned grant proposals – all in record time! Don’t wait – revolutionize your grant writing game with our webinar today!

Notice! Next Live Webinar: Feb 21, 6:00PM EST

Unlock the Future of Grant Writing with AI

Explore real-life case studies, interact with cutting-edge AI tools, and even create your own mock grant proposal. Don’t miss your chance to stay ahead of the curve and harness the power of AI in your grant writing.

Practical, Hands-On Experience

Rather than just theoretical knowledge, you'll be applying your learning in real-time, practicing with AI tools and creating your own mock grant proposal.

Dramatically Streamline Your Grant Writing Efficency

Discover how AI can slash your workload, automating exhaustive tasks in grant writing. Say goodbye to late nights spent on endless research and draft revisions.

Empower Yourself with AI: Transform the Way You Write Grants

Understand the real-world applications of AI in grant writing, with case studies of successful grant applications that utilized AI, something that cheap webinars often overlook.

Future-Proof Your Skills

By mastering AI technologies in grant writing, you ensure that your skills remain relevant and highly sought-after. This not only increases your efficiency in crafting grant proposals, but also significantly enhances your career prospects in the evolving digital world.

Elevate Your Career: Embrace the Digital Transformation in Grant Writing

Master AI technologies in grant writing to secure a competitive edge. This workshop equips you with future-proof skills, opening up career opportunities and setting you apart in the dynamic field of grant writing.

What you will learn:

Struggling with Grant Research & Writing? Discover the AI Advantage!

Join AI Experts Micah Berkley and Sam Jean for a groundbreaking 3-hour webinar – the ‘Smart Grants AI Workshop’. Discover how AI and Language Models can supercharge your grant research and writing process. Gain hands-on experience with AI tools, learn from successful case studies, and even create your own mock grant proposal!

Smart Grants AI Webinar

Explore real-life case studies, interact with cutting-edge AI tools, and even create your own mock grant proposal. Don’t miss your chance to stay ahead of the curve and harness the power of AI in your grant writing.

Questions? Email us at workshops@ai4grants.com

Start on February 21, 2024

more than 96% of organization rate this workshop content and results as Super

What is Smart Grants AI Workshop?

Additional Services

In addition to our exceptional ‘Smart Grants AI Workshop’, we also offer comprehensive Grant Writing services, personalized Private Coaching sessions, and an intensive In-person AI Masterclass, all tailored to meet your unique professional needs and goals.

In-Person AI Masterclass


3 Hours

Virtual Private Session


2 hours

Grant Writing using AI

Let's Talk

Grant Service

Corporate Training Program

Ready to upskill your team and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving professional landscape?

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